Sunday, December 29, 2019

6 Tips to Make Yourself Promotable

6 Tips to Make Yourself Promotable 6 Tips to Make Yourself Promotable Article by Lisa M. AldisertI work with a manager who has a solid employee whom well call Chris. Duringhis annual performance review this year, Chris broached the topic of receiving a promotion. Chris does a good job, but frankly, it isnt anything out of the ordinary. He works 9-5, does what is required, but never really goes that extra mile. He isnt a mentor to junior team members. He rarely works late. He doesnt apply strong critical thinking to his work and has missed some key opportunities as a result.The manager asked why he felt he should have a promotion, and Chris responded, Well, Ive been doing this job for a long time.An employee who thinks he deserves a promotion just because hes put in the time is misguided. The challenge, however, is that managers dont always provide exact guidelines on how to achieve a promotion, so the route can be unclear. Every company is different, but the following adviceshould help you get you on the right track. 1. Avoid EntitlementThe biggest mistake people make when theyre trying to get a promotion is assuming they deserve it. An attitude of entitlement about receiving a promotion, even if it is deserved, is never going to work.A give-me monologue, without any substance to back it up, wont convince anyone.An attitude of entitlement may also drive you to fixate solely on the promotion, instead of on what you need to do to get it. When you think youre so great that thereis no doubtyou willget a promotion, you are probably ignoring the feedback previously given to you about what it will take to get that stelle.Another common misstep people make is bypassing their managers in order to kiss up to mora senior leaders in an attempt to show off or demonstrate their value. This kind of behavior is always noticed, but not necessarily for the right reasons. This sneaky strategy will likely paint you as manipulative in the eyes ofyour direct manager, the senior le ader, or both. 2. Know Your WhyIts common to feel as if a promotion is the next logical career step and to start moving blindly in that direction without thought of what the promotion will mean. Before you lock your sights on a position, take time to identify what you want and why you want it. If you dont know the why, a promotion just for the sake of a promotion may lead you down an unfulfilling path.Examine your motivations. Are you looking for a better title, more money, increased power, career advancement, additional responsibilities, team management, a learning opportunity, or something else? How will the position satisfyyour career desires, whatever they may be?After you have identified your motivation, examine the position itself. Setting aside your desire for the title, consider the responsibilities of the job and how much time you will spend doing each of the tasks required. Is the job going to call for late nights?Will it spill over into weekends? Will you have to be on ca ll? What additional skills does the job require, and which of those skills do you possess? Will you be comfortable with the new responsibilities of the job?If, after a full assessment,the position and your motivationsare aligned, it is time to take steps to get noticed. 3. Go the Extra MilePeople who put in extra hours, take on additional responsibility without being asked, and anticipate project needs will get noticed. You could even start doing part ofyour target jobs responsibilities before you get the position, provided doing so does not step on anyones toes.One of my clients had an aspiring young employee who wanted a promotion to a position that didnt yet exist. When his boss pushed back and said he wasnt ready, the employee came prepared to his annual review with a list of tasks he was already doingthat would fall under the positions purview.The boss couldnt argue, so the new position was created andthe employee got the promotion. 4. Do Your Current Job FlawlesslyIn your curr ent job, you should aim as close to perfection as possible. If youre functioning on autopilot or even neglecting parts of your job, you will give off the impression that your work is sloppy or you just dont care. If you cant shine in the position you currently have, why would a managergive you additional responsibilities? Doing your current job well is part of proving that youre ready for advancement. 5. Ask for ItIf you want the promotion, make sure your manager knows. Ask what you need to do to get the job, and then start doing those things. Even if you dont get the role this time around, you willidentify yourself as a potential candidate forfuture promotion opportunities. 6. Dont Be Afraid to Self-PromoteRemind your manager of all the outstandingthings youve accomplished on the job. Dont expect your boss to necessarily know how great you are. Plus, offering details of your achievements will help offset any perceived weaknesses you may have in your bosss eyes.- Making yourself pro motable takes time, strategy, diligence, and commitment. Dont rely entirely on your own self-evaluation to prove your worth. Ask a trusted colleague or mentor for feedback, and listen to whatthey tell you. A little self-awareness will go a long way.Act as if youre already in the job you want - not the job you have. Acquire the skills you need. Take some of the load off your bosss desk. Demonstrate creative problem-solving skills.And, of course, remember to ask. It would be a shame to do all of this work and miss out because you didnt let your intentions be known.A version of this article originally appeared Lisa M. Aldisert is a speaker, author, and business advisor based in New York City. She is the president of Pharos Alliance. herbei latest book is Leadership Reflections 52 Leadership Practices in the Age of Worry.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

How Engineers Put Astronauts on the Moon

How Engineers Put Astronauts on the Moon How Engineers Put Astronauts on the Moon How Engineers Put Astronauts on the MoonWhen the world heard President John F. Kennedys declaration that the United States would attempt to land astronauts on the Moon by the end of the decade, it welches seen as a daring move by a bold, young leader. For NASA engineers like Robert Schwinghamer, a technical associate at the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., Kennedys May 1961 speech welches mora than that. It welches a call to action.At the time of Kennedys address to Congress, NASA was an organization less than three years old and had achieved only 15 minutes of human spaceflight experienceAlan Shepards suborbital flight in a small Mercury capsule. The agency had very little infrastructure or hardware and did leid have a lunar landing in its immediate plans. NASA was now tasked with turning an aspirational idea into actual designs, procedures, and hardware.The reality sank in fast that g oing to the Moon would require ordnungsprinzips far more sophisticated than those used for Project Mercury. There were legitimate reasons to question the timeline Kennedy demanded. Some experts doubted it could be metbut not NASAs young technical workforce.We were all young, Schwinghamer recallumineszenzdiode many years later. We didnt know what failure meant and we knew we could do it.Schwinghamers can-do attitude was pervasive throughout the fledgling space agency. Over the course of the next eight years leading up to the Apollo 11 lunar landing, engineers would confront hundreds of technical challenges.History remembers Kennedys bold statement I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth. But a few moments later he stated, In a very real sense, it will not be one man going to the Moonif we make this judgment affirmatively, it will be an entire nation. For all of us must work to put him there.This is the story of some of that work.Finding a WayOnly weeks after Kennedys speech, NASA awarded the first contract for the moonshot programnot for a rocket or spacecraft, but for the guidance and control system. The priority of that contract reflected the degree of challenge NASA expected in the design and construction of the system.The contractor was the MIT Instrumentation Laboratory, a research arm of the university. The lab was headed by Charles kampfstark Draper, who had designed a revolutionary Inertial Guidance System used to navigate a B-29 bomber from Boston to Los Angeles in 1953. Inertial navigation quickly became commonplace in submarines, ballistic missiles, and aircraft.NASA wanted this type of system for its Apollo spacecraft. The plan was to use a basketball-size inertial measurement unit (IMU) that would make use of three gyroscopes mounted perpendicular to each other to measure changes in direction and three accelerometers to measu re changes in velocity.While the IMUs design challenged the labs engineers, the real unknown was how to build the digital computer the astronauts would use to interface with the IMU to receive and input information. In the early 1960s, even the most compact advanced digital computers were large enough to fill several roomsmuch larger than the size of the proposed spaceship. When the engineers working on designing what would become the Apollo command module asked how much room to reserve for the computer, there was no immediate answer because such a computer had never been built.Dick Battin, the labs technical director, conferred with his colleagues. Their estimate 1 cubic foot.Then they had to build it to that spec.The Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) was one of the first to use integrated circuits, and engineers led by the labs deputy associate director, Hal Laning, came up with an elegant method for prioritizing computing tasks to speed up processing.Even with that breakthrough, eng ineers were still unsure of the computers ability because of limited memory capacity and no firm grasp of the software needed.The AGC that guided Apollo to the Moon had a memory capacity of only 72 kilobytes, mostly composed of copper wires woven in a specific pattern. Raytheon, which assembled the AGC, had a team of expert seamstresses who threaded the wires through magnetic rings (a wire going through the ring was a 1 and a wire going around the ring was a 0) to create the memory. Once this so-called rope memory was installed at the factory, however, it could not be changed. Computing pioneer Margaret Hamilton checking out systems in the command module. Photo Draper/Hack the MoonGetting the programming right became the challenge, a task that was underestimated by engineers from both NASA and MIT. Margaret Hamilton, who led the team that would write the software for the AGC, summed up the reality of that development period. When I first got into it, nobody knew what it was that we were doing. It was like the Wild West. There was no course in it. They didnt teach it, Hamilton said. In this vacuum, her team of more than 400 people not only developed the necessary programming for the AGC, they also essentially led to the creation of software engineering as its own discipline.Listen to the latest episode of ASMETechCast Engineering the Apollo 11 Lunar ModuleEven so, the technology was unproven. NASA chose to use radio navigation to guide the Apollo spacecraft to the Moon with the AGC serving as backup. But the AGC would be the sole guidance system used during the critical phases when the spacecraft was on the far side of the Moon as well as to guide the lunar module to the Moons surface.The big test occurred as Apollo 8 circled the Moon in December 1968 and re-emerged from the far side after being out of contact with Mission Control. A position check corresponded exactly with Earth-based calculations, verifying the AGC had the spacecraft exactly wh ere it was supposed to be.Notably, this first-of-its-kind computer never failed during any of the Apollo missions.Design, Test, and RedesignAt the time of Kennedys address to Congress, rocket engine technology was starting to mature, but engineers faced a daunting challenge in developing a single system capable of lifting a 100,00 payload to the Moon. The first stage of the Saturn V launch vehicle was fired at the NASA Mississippi Test Facility. The F-1 engines in that stage were plagued by instability issues, which required repeated testing and redesign before they could be counted on for a mission. Photo NASA Conceived by Wernher von Braun, the Saturn V started as a concept on a drawing board. As designed, it stood 363 feet tall and weighed 6.1 million pounds fully fueled. To lift it from the launch pad would require developing rocket engines 10 times more powerful than any U.S. rocket in existence. Each rocket would produce 1.5 million pounds of thrust and consume three tons of fuel and oxidizer every second together, the five rockets making up the first stage of the Saturn V would propel the Apollo spacecraft to an altitude of 38 miles and a speed of Mach 7.Engineers at NASAs Marshall Space Flight Center and Rocketdyne, the prime contractor, now had to make it reality.Some engineers confidently believed that developing the rocket engine, called the F-1, was simply a matter of scaling up existing engine designsthat the basics of rocket engines were the same. Early tests challenged that confidence when several engines exploded in the test stand.Engineers traced the cause to combustion instability, a rotation of the flame inside the combustion chamber that could reach 2,000 cycles per second. The size of the engine was a contributing factor and there were no ready solutions. This led to questioning the feasibility of the engine. Donald Hornig, a member of the Presidents Science Advisory Committee, lamented, The engine might just be too big to m ake work.The entire Apollo program was in jeopardy.Faced with this major challenge, the attitude of the engineers was crucial. We had problems we did not know what to do about, said James Murphy, the deputy manager of the Saturn V program. It was the buildup of enthusiasm that made solving them possible.The investigation pointed to the injector, the showerhead-like mixer that fed the fuel and oxidizer through tiny holes into the combustion chamber. Initiating and sustaining combustion required the proper mixture ratio, pressure, and spray pattern. Once instability started, there was no way to stop it. It would destroy the engine in a matter of seconds.The engineers experimented with enlarging the diameter of the orifices, adjusting the angles to control fuel and oxidizer impingement, and adding baffles on the injector plate to limit the rotational motion of the gases. In one series of tests, engineers placed small explosive devices inside the combustion chamber to create instability and measure the engines ability to recover.There was no single engineering solution that fixed the problem. It took a meticulous approach that involved design, test, and redesign. After 18 months and thousands of engineering hours, including 78 hours of live engine testing, the F-1 engine was certified for flight on Sept. 6, 1966. The Saturn V flew 13 times during the Apollo program, and the F-1 engines achieved a 100 percent reliability rating.Flexible and FunctionalIt would not be sufficient for astronauts to merely land on the Moonthey would need to explore. But the near vacuum of space and the temperature extremes on the lunar surface presented dangerous challenges. Astronauts would need a pressurized suit with a life-support system to provide oxygen and a comfortable temperature, as well as layered protection from the environment and micrometeoroids. In addition, the suit needed to be flexible enough to allow the astronauts to move around and perform tasks.The silver spacesuit used by the astronauts on Project Mercury was an adapted Air Force high-altitude pressure suit. Walking on the Moon, however, would require something brand new. Like many other technological challenges for Apollo, the design requirements for such a suit were unknown.In 1962, NASA invited companies to submit bids for the Apollo spacesuit. Eight companies entered the competition and the surprise winner was the International Latex Company (ILC), which proposed a simple design with flexible rubber joints. But ILC had no experience with space suits or working under a government contractits most famous product was Playtex womens undergarments. NASA appointed Hamilton Standard, a well-established aerospace supplier that had received the contract for the life support system, to oversee the entire program.NASA required a very flexible suit that would enable the astronauts to stoop and bend in order to work on the Moon. In designing the suits, ILC made use of its talented pool seamstresses, who soon transitioned from womens products to spacesuits. I never thought in my wildest dreams I would be making space suits, Eleanor Foraker, who managed the sewing operation, later declared. Foraker demanded the sewing quality meet the highest standards, as the astronauts lives were on the line.Meanwhile, Hamilton Standard engineers were designing the Portable Life Support System (PLSS) The backpack that pressurized the suit, provided oxygen, removed carbon dioxide, and ensured a comfortable temperature. A main challenge was maximizing the oxygen capacity with minimal weight. Design engineer Earl Bahl had the assignment and, like other Apollo design tasks, he noted, Nobody had done this before. Bahl came up with a re-breathing system Lithium hydroxide filters reacted with the exhaled CO2 to make lithium carbonate and water, while oxygen passed through the filter and was recycled. This reduced oxygen consumption by more than 20 percent.In 1964, ILC and Hamilton Standard started to deliver finished suits. NASA rejected them because the suits were heavy, bulky, and not very flexible. The suits also failed a major test where astronauts had to fall onto their backs in the suit and stand back up.In 1965, NASA took the drastic step of cancelling the contracts with ILC and Hamilton Standard and began an entire new competition. Starting from scratch was liberating for ILC, which proposed an innovative and very functional design based on its experience as a clothes designer. ILC again won the suit contract, this time reporting directly to NASA. (Hamilton Standard also retained the PLSS contract.) The new suit was three garments in one A water-cooled undergarment a pressurized inner suit that had flexible joints and an outer nylon garment that protected against the temperature extremes and micrometeoroids. The suits, tested extensively, passed all of the requirements and were now ready for flight.The Apollo 1 fire, which killed three astronauts during a ground test in January 1967, prompted another redesign. Following the accident investigation, NASA mandated the removal of all flammable material from the spacecraft and suit. ILC reached out to experts in fabric technology and found a material called clothtightly woven silica fiber coated in Teflon. With an outer shell made of beta cloth, the A7LB spacesuit was certified for flight.Prepared for Any ContingencyThe spacesuit delivered protection from the Moons harsh environment, but could the astronauts do meaningful work on the lunar surface? Project Gemini provided the proving ground to train astronauts for what NASA referred to as an extravehicular activity (EVA) and prepare them for the moonwalks.Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Leonov completed the first EVA when he left his spacecraft for 12 minutes on March 18, 1965. The spacewalk was a great achievement for the Soviet program, but what was not reported at the time is that Leonov had to depressurize his spacesuita very dangerous procedurein order to make the suit flexible enough to re-enter his capsule. It illustrated the unknowns of conducting EVAs.Astronaut Ed White became the second spacewalker and the first for NASA when he exited his Gemini 4 spacecraft three months later. His 23-minute EVA proved the ability to exit and survive in space, but NASA quickly discovered that EVAs were not as easy as they might have looked. On NASAs next EVAduring Gemini 9 in February 1966astronaut Gene Cernan ran into trouble almost immediately. Cernan was tasked with assembling equipment outside the spacecraft, but without any handholds or foot restraints, Cernan mostly spun around as everything he pushed against pushed back. It was as if NASA had completely forgotten about Newtons Third Law of Motion and Cernan got a refresher course.The extra exertion sent Cernans heart rate to more than 170 and he quickly overtaxed his environmental cooling unit, which caused his visor to fog up. Cernan struggled for two hours before returning to the safe ty of the spacecraft. No meaningful work was accomplished and Cernan lost nearly 10 pounds in completing his dangerous EVA.Following the flight NASA conducted an independent inquiry and found that planning and preparation for the EVA was severely deficient. It would not be until November 1966, the final flight in the Gemini program, that a successful EVA took place. Buzz Aldrin, who later became the second man to walk on the Moon, conducted extensive training in an underwater tank named the Neutral Buoyancy Trainer. Working with a mockup of the Gemini 12 spacecraft, in which the underwater environment simulated the zero-g experienced in space, Aldrin was able practice all the procedures.Using installed handholds and footholds Aldrin conducted three spacewalks and was able to perform his entire task list without problems.Editors Pick Engineering Remember the Making of the Lunar ModuleTraining and practice in outdoor, indoor, and underwater environments became commonplace following Al drins successful Gemini EVAs. By the time of Neil Armstrongs one small step, he and Aldrin were prepared for any contingency on the lunar surface.One might look back on the success of Apollo and believe it was pre-ordained. From a public view the 400,000 engineers, scientists, and technicians who contributed to the program made it seem easy. As unterstellung four Apollo technology examples illustrate, it was not.The engineers and scientists who made Apollo possible never wavered. They displayed Robert Schwinghamers can-do attitude of . . . We knew we could do it. Because of their ingenuity, today we celebrate the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11 as a historic engineering and technological achievement.Burton Dicht, an ASME Fellow, is the director of student and academic education programs at IEEE. His interest in aerospace history has made him a frequent lecturer on space-related topics.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Video ASME Innovation Showcase in Pune India

Video ASME Innovation Showcase in Pune India Video ASME Innovation Showcase in Pune India Video ASME Innovation Showcase in Pune, IndiaTwelve teams of social entrepreneurs from across India and Southeast Asia converged in Pune, India, to compete as finalists at ASMEs inaugural ISHOW Innovation Showcase. The competition, held in April, was the first in a series 2015 international competitions, scheduled also for Washington, DC, and Nairobi, Kenya.ISHOW is a in aller herren lnder competition that focuses on hardware-led social ventures.The winners in Pune were Imaduddin Majid, Ridwan Wicaksono, and partner Syauqy Aziz, from Indonesia. Though their company, Atnic, the trio are developing a system to monitor the water quality of shrimp ponds, to help farmers increase their yield.Anurag Agarwal, from near New Delhi, India. Agarwal and team members from New Leaf Ventures, are developing an off-grid refrigeration system powered by farm waste designed to reduce food wastage by farmers. Rajee v Kumar, from Bengaluru (Bangalore), India, and team members from Neurosynatoic, are developing diagnostic system using mobile technology to improve healthcare in remote, rural regions.Read the full article about the competition in Pune. The copyright of this program is owned by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Video produced, directed and written by Roger Torda, ASME Public Information.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The New Angle On Internship Resume Sample for College Students Just Released

The New Angle On Internship Resume Sample for College Students Just Released One other important issue is, you must compose the cover letter alongside local standards. Play with unique templates and formatting, and determine what skills and experience that you want to showcase. Make certain you always place the latest job on top of the category and continue down in reverse chronological order. So, you merely have to search the list of the approaching events. Internship Resume Sample for College Students - Is it a Scam? You need to find an internship thats going to challenge you to do a range of unique jobs. When you have successfully carried out an internship youve got all the crucial skills to do the exact same for employment. So maybe you truly need to observe some resumes. You might also Sample resumes. The procedure is virtually the exact same. Consider elective credit through the Office for Career Development should you dont qualify for your important internship cred it, if you do an internship outside your field of study, or in case youre completing an exploratory internship. The most essential part of an internship resume is making sure the abilities and experience you do have, though you might be very early in your career, are fantastic for the job that you wish to do. Seeking an internship is a little such as looking for a job but there are a couple obstacles to think about when you decide on your search. Companies feel the exact same way. Internships are wonderful strategies to prepare people for their upcoming career. Employers wish to observe the multi-dimensional thinking needed to be successful in the exact dynamic and ever-changing workplace. They want to see that you have progressively moved into your position. A Startling Fact about Internship Resume Sample for College Students Uncovered Gaining experience whilst still in college is a great way to not just earn a small money, in the event the opportunity is a paid one, yet to prepare oneself for those challenges of the workplace after school. When you go for an interview in an organization they wish to hear about your work experience but you have to get the experience before getting the experience. The majority of people attending a hackathon as a professional professional already have work. An internship teaches you the way to behave or the way to meet with new men and women in corporate world. Another method is to go for internships at the time youre likely to finish your graduation. The most important project which I worked on over the summer was supposed to plan a web-based micro service which would manage code freezes. Moreover, the student must arrange their schedule to accommodate heading to the internship site to satisfy the hours needed to earn the credits. Most students hit a wall when it regards the expert experience section since they just dont have relevant work experience. Internship Resume Sample for College Students Help All y ou will need is an excellent academic and career profile. On occasion the recruitment for obvious roles arent publicly advertised. Theres very significant competition for all levels, for example, entry level making it rather challenging to find work. Youre an excellent case of hustle. In case you go to school out of state and are attempting to find an internship close to your university, dont put your house address. As an example, lets suppose your career choice expects that you get your Doctorate Degree. For Pharmacy students, its very hard to have a job if they dont have a strong knowledge in English. You dont have to incorporate every job that you have had since college. The success of an internship is dependent upon the outstanding supervision. You should also incorporate any accomplishments you had while there since theyre wonderful. The Meaning of Internship Resume Sample for College Students You might also have housing in addition to the job. Exaggerating your job duties on your resume or during the interview might help you cover your tracks, but nevertheless, it may not help you stick out from the remaining portion of the applicant pool. Who knows maybe that recruiter can get you in contact with a business that satisfies your preference. Your resume gives a possible employer their very first impression about you, so you ought to know precisely what employers are searching for and then tailor your qualifications to fit the bill. Expand your objective to include things like a persuasive overview of why youre the proper internship job candidate. Essentially youre convincing your prospective employer that youre the very best candidate for the internship, you will learn the most and that the experience is essential for your professional growth. An effective internship resume objective is all-important to stand out as the ideal internship candidate. An internship thats going to supply you with the simple idea about what your possible future job is on a day-to-day basis is essential. Below you will discover samples to Try to prevent copying the samples word-for-word Cite facts you know mora about the program. You might even find programs which you had no idea existed.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

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Saturday, November 30, 2019

How to Make Your Office a More Diverse Place to Work - Spark Hire

How to Make Your Office a More Diverse Place to Work - Spark HireDiversity in the workplace is important, as it fosters creativity using the varying perspectives of the employees in that office. However, many companies find that their staff does leid accurately reflect the citizens who live in that area. They may have a group of predominantly men or mostly white individuals, when the city itself is much more diverse. If this is the case in your place of employment, try using these strategies to make your office a more varied and inspiring place to workFigure out where you stand nowMany offices are simply unaware just how homogenous they have become. This is often accidental, as people come and go and things change slowly over time. However, when it is clear that everyone in that workplace looks the same, it is time to make some changes. If its been a while since you analyzed what your staff looks like, take some time to measure the diversity in your office now. You may be surprised b y what you find.Encourage a sortiment of applicantsIf one racial group dominates your city, getting a well-mixed bevlkerung within your office may not be an easy feat. However, it is certainly possible, particularly when you put hiring initiatives into place. Say, for example, you are looking to hire more Asian employees. If there is an Asian professionals group in town, ask to speak for just a few minutes at one of their meetings. This allows these individuals to learn about what your company does, and may enable you to make some connections that could turn into hires one day.Do not just wait for a diverse range of individuals to find your company and apply for a position there. Make a proactive effort to recruit a wide group of people who will make your office a more exciting and creative place.Make the job appealing to people from all walks of lifeIn order to attract a diverse group of employees, you will need to make sure that your jobs appeal to a wide range of people. If youre looking for more working moms, for example, youll need to offer an appealing childcare plan. If youre hoping to attract older individuals, make it a point to emphasize plenty of training, and advertise the open job in a place where someone older might spot it. Understand that people will have different needs, skills, and expectations depending on where they come from. Be flexible and willing to work with these needs in order to attract a wide range of people to your office.Additional perks like on-site childcare, plenty of time off, paid training, or relaxed apparel choices can draw in candidates who might not otherwise have applied to work at your office. This ability to understand what people look for in a job will allow you to attract a wide range of candidates.What are some of the steps you take to promote diversity within your office?

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

10 Signs You May Be Fired

10 Signs You May Be Fired10 Signs You May Be FiredMany people are shocked when they are fired. But then looking back, they realize there were signs that their job welches in jeopardy. They just chose to ignore them.As someone who has fired people, I know first-hand the signs are that you will lose your job.Here are the indicators that you should seriously be thinking about getting a new jobYour anfhrer is on your case all the time.Are you constantly being asked for progress reports? Are you expected to meet unrealistic deadlines? Do you find that your boss constantly monitors your work?Youve been told that you are in trouble.At your annual evaluation there were scores of things mentioned that you need to improve. Perhaps you have been put on probation or been told to take a refresher course, which the company wont reimburse. You have two choices. Throw yourself into your work and do everything possible to be successful or start looking for a new job.Youre asked to provide detailed re ports about time or expenses.Increased scrutiny is a phenomenon that is rarely initiated by the accounting departement. The boss believes that you have wasted time or inflated expenses. Even if you are 100 percent innocent, it doesnt matter. Find out if you are the only person being scrutinized. If you are being singled out, ask what the situation is in order to address it. Then send a constructive letter to the head of Human Resources detailing your concerns.You have difficulty gaining access to the boss.Your efforts to schedule a meeting have failed. He is always in a hurry when you see him and has no time to talk. Meanwhile, you find out you havent been invited to a lunch he is having with your colleagues. If you cant find a way to communicate with those in leadership positions, you can assume that youre not in good standing and it is time to move on.Youve got a new boss.A new boss is a threat because he will want to bring in his own people. But you also have the responsibility t o step forward and tell the new boss that you will do whatever you can to help him. If that doesnt work, start looking because your days may be numbered.Youre out of the loop.Essential memos are never sent to you. You find out about key meetings after they occur. When you complain, youre assured it was an accident. But if it continues to happen it is policy, not an oversight.Your boss goes directly to your subordinates.Most organizations have a chain of command and when it is disrupted it is a clear indication that you are no longer needed.Your boss asks you to do unreasonable or irrelevant tasks, often in out-of-the-way places.Have you been sent to distant places for non-essential meetings? Do you do research on a project that is immediately shelved. One or two assignments along those lines may mean youre being eased out.Your perks start to evaporate.Your colleagues are all sent to a conference in Marrakech, but you arent invited. You are told to fly coach after years of flying bu siness class. Suddenly, you lose your corner office and are re-located to the bullpen. Perks are an important part of the job, and if you sense yours are being eroded, you have every right to worry.Someone else is asked to do tasks previously assigned to you.If these are these important tasks that you value and produce revenue, or if they are an essential part of your job description, you could be in trouble.You have a couple of choices if these red flags are waving vigorously in the breeze. I wouldnt recommend asking your boss if you are in trouble. You may or may not get an honest answer. And if perchance you are not in trouble, your question introduces the idea.I would advise you to document everything. Often a company wants to push someone out rather than fire them and have to pay severance or unemployment benefits. If you have a contract that stipulates what you will receive if you are fired, tough it out and dont quit.Finally, see if there is anyone you work with that would gi ve you a good reference if you are fired. It doesnt have to be your immediate supervisor. It could be someone you have worked with for many years who is willing to support you when you start looking for a new job.If you are fired, dont take it personally. Sometimes it is all about chemistry. Move on.Robert L. Dilenschneider, author of50 Plus Critical Career Decisions for the Rest of Your Life,has hired more than 3,000 successful professionals and advised thousands more. He is founder of the Dilenschneider Group, a corporate strategic counseling and public relations firm based in New York City. Formerly president and CEO of Hill Knowton, he is the author of the bestselling booksThe Critical First Years of Your Professional Life, Power and Influence, A Briefing for LeadersandOn Power.For more information please visitdilenschneider.comandAmazon.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Benefits of Continuous Improvement in the Workplace

The Benefits of Continuous Improvement in the WorkplaceThe Benefits of Continuous Improvement in the WorkplaceA continuous improvement plan is a set of activities designed to bring gradual, ongoing improvement to products, services, or processes through constant review, measurement, and action. The Shewhart Cycle (known as PDCA, which stands for the Deming Cycle of Plan-Do-Check-Act), or an approach called Kaizen, are the two most well-known frameworks used to support continuous improvement. Continuous improvement is a critical dimension of all major quality frameworks and methodologies, including Six Sigma, ISO, and Baldrige. Why Continuous Improvement Is Implemented Organizations dedicated to continuous improvement recognize the importance of these actions for strengthening the quality of a product, improving customer satisfaction, and for improving efficiency, productivity and profits. 4 Different Industry Applications of Continuous Improvement The different industry appli cations include the following Process-Focused Industries. In process-intensive industries and applications, the continuous improvement program allows individuals and groups to identify inefficiencies or bottlenecks. This affords people the opportunity to streamline processes and minimize time, effort, and waste. Continuous improvement is inherent in the Toyota Production System (known as the Lean methodologies) and their use of Kaizen. Hardware-Product Applications. In hardware product-centric applications, a program of continuous improvement based on customer feedback allows the manufacturer to improve the quality of the product, enhance product capabilities in subsequent products, and identify opportunities to streamline manufacturing processes- rersulting in reduced costs. Service Industries. In service-focused industries, continuous improvement is implemented to improve efficiency and strengthen the quality of service delivery. From a catering operation to a car wash business, t hese firms must regularly measure customer satisfaction and observe activities in order to identify opportunities to improve results. Software Companies. In many software development activities and methodologies- including waterfall and agile approaches- the theory and practice of continuous improvementareinherent. In waterfall, a product is developed according to detailed specifications and the completed application is tested for bugs. The bugs are repaired and a new release is tested, with the expectation of a diminishing number of bugs over time. Agile methods incorporate shorter development cycles and provide continuous customer feedback, with subsequent releases that are improved in terms of capability, quality, and performance. The Shewhart Cycle PDCA is most often a circle with no beginning or end, meaning that continuous improvement is a process that never stops. A simple description of the PDCA cycle is Plan.Identify an opportunity and create a plan for improvementDo.Te st the change on a small scale where results can easily be observed and measuredCheck. Evaluate the results of the test and summarize the lessons learnedAct.If the test worked, implement the change on a slightly larger scale and monitor results Remember, the process is a cycle. If the test fails, repeat the entire process. If it works, monitor results and start over again with a new plan to promote additional improvements. The work of continuous improvement is never-ending. Kaizen Kaizen is a Japanese term that stands for change for the better. Kaizen supports the perspective that everything can be improved, even if its incremental. Continuous incremental improvements over time are viewed as desirable and can translate into improved quality, reduced costs, simplified work processes, less waste, and improved customer satisfaction and profits. Kaizen is a critical part of the broader Toyota Production System. Continuous Improvement Is a Way of Life The late quality guru, W. Ed wards Deming said that managers and organizations must have a consistency of purpose and a deep and abiding dedication to constant, ongoing improvement in order to satisfy customers, beat the competition, and retain jobs. Demings focus was on ensuring that continuous improvement was bred into the culture, not something that was momentary or occasional. He often criticized managers for being short-sighted and focusing on the wrong measures. He encouraged managers to invest in the long-term by focusing on meaningful measures of continuous improvement. Organizations that excel at continuous improvement incorporate it into their values and reflect it in their hiring and training. They also incorporate it ?into their employee evaluation and compensation system. If you visit a firm that excels at this work, the signs of continuous improvement are visible in every aspect of the culture. Continuous improvement is a way of life, not a passing fad or short-term fix.?

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

How to Get Short Term Disability if You Have Surgery

How to Get Short Term Disability if You Have Surgery How to Get Short Term Disability if You Have Surgery Being faced with surgery is no easy prospect. However, if your medical provider has told you that you must undergo surgery to improve your health, it’s important to take the time to find out about any benefits you may have that can cover you financially as you recover post-surgery. Some people pay for their own private disability insurance, while others receive coverage through their employer. You may be eligible for short-term disability insurance  coverage or Short Term Disability Benefits, that will help tide you over financially until youre back on your feet. Defining Short-Term Disability Plans Employer-sponsored short-term disability is a voluntary, cash plan that pays a percentage of your full-time salary for a specific amount of time, following the first week that you are unable to work. The plans Summary of Benefits should provide a great deal of information and answer some of your questions. Private disability plans offer similar benefits. Most employers will expect you to use up any paid time off (PTO) first, then the short-term disability will kick in, providing you with a weekly check that is around 40 to 60 percent of your regular gross earnings. Some plans don’t start until 14 days post-event, so be sure to check with your employer HR department to confirm the coverage rules. Important: Not all employers offer short-term disability insurance, so if you have access to this benefit, make sure you enroll in the plan during the open enrollment period prior to having surgery. The cost of short-term disability insurance is usually very low, but having this peace of mind is priceless. After Confirming Your Coverage Once you have confirmed your short-term disability coverage and have scheduled your surgery with your doctor’s advice, inform your employer as soon as possible. This allows your employer to arrange for staffing coverage during your planned absence. Provide the HR department with a doctor’s note that indicates the estimated length of time you will need for recovery. Work with your manager to make sure your leave has a smooth transition, as well as to arrange for any post-surgery accommodations you may need to help you perform your job duties upon your return. Find out if your employer expects you to perform any tasks at home while in recovery as well. During the surgery, have a close friend or family member keep in touch with your HR department on your status and when requesting any time off (in case there are complications stemming from your surgery). The HR benefits administrator should be able to advise you on when your paid time off terminates and your short-term disability period begins, and find out when the coverage period ends as well. The HR staff may not be able to tell you exactly how much each check will be, but your STD benefit provider will be able to once the first payment is issued. Managing Your Finances During Recovery If at any time you are informed you have to be out for an additional length of time, due to health problems or doctor’s orders, be sure to let your employer know immediately. Your spouse or life partner may be eligible for an FMLA leave to care for you during the recovery period, so explore that option with their employer as well. If you need to rely on savings to cover expenses during this time, you can also inform all creditors and utility companies of your status as they may be able to reduce or suspend monthly payments for a few months. The most important part of this experience is to focus on your health and recovery so that you can return to your job whole and well. The short-term disability payments will end once you resume work, but they can be a good source of income and peace of mind during your recovery time away from work.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Study links certain sleep disorders with accelerated aging

Study links certain sleep disorders with accelerated aging Study links certain sleep disorders with accelerated aging Sleep-disordered breathing is a general term that encompasses several chronic conditions from frequent snoring to obtrusive sleep apnea, which occurs when the airways become blocked during sleep. During OSA fits, sufferers will usually stop breathing for about 10 seconds at a time though it can sometimes be longer. This causes the individual to violently awake.There are certain ailments that fall under the umbrella term of SDB, that don’t cause individuals to stop breathing completely during sleep, like sleep hypopnea for instance, a disorder wherein blood oxygen saturation becomes lower due to continued shallow breathing. However, every case of SBD, results in intermittent sleep, as the deprivation of oxygen, however severe, triggers an inner alarm inside the body.Follow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Ladders’ magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!At the 33rd annual meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies in San Antonio Texas, new insights regarding the long term effects of Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB) were presented by researchers from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health’s  Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences  and Harvard Medical School’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Here were some of the findings.The long term effects of intermittent sleepThe researchers at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health’s  Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences  and Harvard Medical School’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital behind the latest study published their findings in the journal Sleep just last week.  By examining the breathing patterns,   oxygen levels in the blood, heart rate, limb movements, and the DNA  methylation of 622 adults (with an average age of 69 years old) via polysomnography,   lead author  Xiaoyu Li, determined that increasing SDB severity and consistently disrupted sleep was associated with age acceleration.   Each standard deviation increase in th e arousal index, (a scientific measure of sleep disruption) was associated with the equivalent of 321 days of age acceleration.Li expounded in a recent statement,  Ã¢€œPeople’s biological age might not be the same as their chronological age. Individuals whose biological age is higher than their chronological age exhibit age acceleration or fast aging. In our study, we found that more severe sleep-disordered breathing is associated with epigenetic age acceleration. Our data provide biological evidence supporting adverse physiological and health effects of untreated sleep-disordered breathing.”Fortunately, Li went on to say that the various conditions that fall beneath the massive umbrella defined as Sleep Disordered Breathing, are treatable and the even the effects of epigenetic aging are reversible. If you suffer from chronic snoring, sleep apnea, or sleep hypopnea, Li, suggests  you try automatic positive airway therapy or a    mandibular repositioning device (MRD).  You might a lso enjoy… New neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happy Strangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds 10 lessons from Benjamin Franklin’s daily schedule that will double your productivity The worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs 10 habits of mentally strong people

Monday, November 18, 2019

17 Counterintuitive Things Successful People Do

17 Counterintuitive Things Successful People Do 17 Counterintuitive Things Successful People Do Ever wonder what makes successful people so- well, successful? There̢۪s no one thing, of course, but Jason Nazar, Co-founder and CEO of Docstoc recently analyzed the most successful people he knows and came up with a list of common themes. And turns out, they might surprise you. Check out this infographic to see what he discovered about the counterintuitive habits of highly successful people. Infographic courtesy of RODA Marketing. Photo of successful woman courtesy of Shutterstock.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

25% of women sexually harassed tell employers. Heres why theyre afraid

25% of women sexually harassed tell employers. Here's why they're afraid 25% of women sexually harassed tell employers. Here's why they're afraid On May 30, a grand jury indicted Harvey Weinstein on charges he raped one woman and forced another to perform oral sex on him. And new allegations and lawsuits against the movie producer continue to pile up.Since the earliest reports of his abuse came out in October, scores of women in Hollywood have taken to social media and shared their own stories of sexual assault and harassment by Weinstein. And thanks to the #MeToo movement, women in a range of professions have also found their voices heard, helping topple dozens of other once-powerful men in entertainment, media, sports, business, politics and the judiciary.But a question #MeToo has been asking since the beginning is how will this affect the lives of women far from the high-powered worlds of Hollywood and Washington. Is this making it any easier for a low or mid-wage worker in middle America to rid her workplace of a sexual harasser?One important way of doing this is by making an official complaint to the employer. But while w omen will often complain to family or even on social media, most don’t tell their companies of the misconduct. In fact, barely 1 in 4 ever do.How come?Based on experience litigating sexual harassment cases as well as my research, I have determined there are three legal barriers that stand in the way of workers filing complaints â€" a critical step to rooting out harassment and protecting employees.Few formally complainAbout 30 percent of U.S. workers who experience sexual harassment informally talk about it with someone at the company, such as a manager or union representative, while far fewer lodge formal complaints, according to a 2016 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission report. In addition, 75 percent of those who do formally complain say they face retaliation.This is one reason for the success of #MeToo. It’s providing the kind of effective sexual harassment complaint forum that employees do not believe they have in their workplace.Besides a fear of reprisal, the EEOC re port cites several other reasons why employees usually don’t come forward, such as concern that they won’t be believed or the company training manual didn’t explain how to properly identify or address sexual harassment.This is a big problem because if employees who have been sexually harassed don’t file formal complaints with their companies â€" without suffering retaliation â€" it is nearly impossible for employers to take action against the harasser or protect the worker. Furthermore, it becomes hard to hold an employer legally responsible if it fails to do either.So while it’s positive that more women are sharing their own stories on social media and elsewhere, it can’t replace the formal employee complaint process.Three barriersOne barrier is that courts have too narrowly defined sexual harassment when it involves a hostile work environment under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It’s only deemed illegal when it involves unwelcome sexual conduct sufficient ly “severe or pervasive” to alter the employee’s employment conditions. Courts have erected three legal hurdles that discourage employees from filing complaints about sexual harassment.Employees often don’t complain because they fear they won’t be believed that the harassment was sufficiently “severe or pervasive” enough to be legally actionable.And who can blame them? One court found that a manager rubbing the shoulders, back and hand of an employee, accusing her of not wanting to be “one of my girls” while physically grabbing her, calling her “baby doll” and telling her she should be in bed with him were not sufficiently “severe or pervasive.”These actions can be harmful and place women as subordinate in the workplace and, unregulated, lead to even more harmful actions. As such, I believe courts need to stop finding such misconduct as “ordinary” or “de minimus” â€" a legal term meaning too trivial or minor to merit consideration.Another hurdle is that employers have been largely shielded from liability when an employee complains of a hostile work environment that fosters sexual harassment. That’s because in 1998 the U.S. Supreme Court gave employers a powerful defense in such cases.Specifically, if a company “exercised reasonable care to prevent and promptly correct any sexually harassing behavior” and the employee “unreasonably failed to take advantage of any preventive or corrective opportunities,” the employer would not be liable even though the worker was, in fact, sexually harassed.Under this defense, courts have found that if an employer has an anti-sexual harassment policy, and the employee doesn’t complain, the employer generally won’t be found liable. This sounds reasonable, right?Unfortunately, some employer policies meet the bare legal requirements while doing little to eradicate sexual harassment or encourage complaints by workers. And without effective training about sexual harassment and how to co mplain about it, employers’ policies stating “zero tolerance” for sexual harassment are meaningless.Finally, I believe the laws punishing retaliation are not strong enough.Taking sexual harassment seriously means employers should not fire, demote or ostracize a worker who complains about sexual harassment as they often do. And while the law on the books purportedly protects complainants, courts have told workers that the protection is only for those who reasonably believe they were illegally sexually harassed.This puts women back in the gray area of determining what is “severe or pervasive.” As I noted above, a manager rubbed an employee’s body, called her “baby doll” and expressed a desire to have sex with her. If that’s not deemed to be sexual harassment, how can employees complain with confidence that they will be protected?It’s time to toughen lawsWhat can be done about this?The good news is that Congress is already considering changes to sexual harassment la w.For example, Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand and Lindsey Graham have introduced a bill to permit sexually harassed workers to litigate their cases in open court rather than be bound by private arbitration. The laudatory bill would prevent employers from keeping harassment or harassers secret from other workers.But I believe lawmakers should go further by amending Title VII to expand and clarify what sexual harassment really is beyond “severe or pervasive,” strengthen worker protections against retaliation and require employers to create more effective policies and training.The EEOC and other researchers have identified innovative methods to address sexual harassment, such as a reward system for increased complaints, promoting more women, bystander intervention and civility training. Congress should pay attention and encourage these methods while also toughening existing law.Inspired by #MeToo, Congress could help eradicate sexual harassment.Margaret E. Johnson, Professor of Law and C o-Director, Center on Applied Feminism, University of BaltimoreThis article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Three Steps to Help Prevent Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Three Steps to Help Prevent Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Three Steps to Help Prevent Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Three Steps to Help Prevent Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Berkowitz, Esq. When it comes to controlling sexual harassment in the workplace, small businesses with fewer than 15 employees businesses that are therefore not subject to Title VII shouldnt get complacent. Remember sexual harassment is not acceptable, whatever the size of the business, just as with any type of workplace discrimination. I advise all my clients to undergo sexual harassment prevention training as a best practice, notes Garland. The next hire could put them over Title VIIor their states threshold and they need to be prepared. For a small business with limited resources, the following best practices are a good start to avoiding sexual harassment in the workplace: Training. It cant be said enough make sure that all of your employees, from managers down to the newest hourly worker know what sexual harassment is and that it is not tolerated. Regular training sessions are best, but at the least every business should have a carefully drafted policy that every employee and new hire must read and understand. Sample sexual harassment are all over the Internet; look at a few and adapt them to your business. Respond to complaints appropriately. Have a process in place by which employees can express their concerns confidentially, without having to involve the alleged harasser in the chain of reporting. Treat every concern seriously and dont brush off rumors without giving them the attention they deserve. In some cases, complaints can be resolved with a staff meeting to go over the rules of workplace etiquette. Other problems may require more formal investigation, assistance of outside counsel, and discipline. Avoid or manage harassment situations that could get out of hand. Of course, the best way to handle complaints about harassment in the workplace is to not have any because your work force knows how to behave. Be sure all employees are given guidelines on workplace ethics. Keep an eye out for actions that just brush the line between okay and not okay and put a stop to them before they escalate. Find out more: Be Aware of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Customize this Outstanding Administrative Assistant Resume 4

Customize this Outstanding Administrative Assistant Resume 4 Customize this Outstanding Administrative Assistant Resume 4 Sample Administrative Assistant Resume 2Create Resume EXPERIENCEMay 2000 â€" Present Sauv © Riegel Commercial Real Estate Pasadena, CA Administrative Assistant / Marketing Assistant § Assist President and Vice President. § Create Listing Contracts, Proposals, and Lease Contracts. § Prepare Invoices for Payment § Marketing of Listings. § Maintain Website. § Maintain E-Mail System. § All general office duties.May 1999 â€" March 2000 C Square International, Inc. West Covina, CA Administrative Assistant / Marketing Assistant § Assist Vice President, Controller, programmers, and marketing department. § Make travel arrangements. § Test software. § All general office duties.April 1998 â€" May 1999 Phoenix Home Life Pasadena, CA Administrative Assistant / Marketing Assistant § Assistant to Chief Financial Officer, Office Manager, agents and marketing department. § Business correspondence, office maintenance, ordering supplies, mail, marketing mailings, e-mail, faxing, switchboard, word proc essing, and customer service.March 1996 â€" July 1997 Colourgraphix Walnut, CA Sales § Met with clients and prospective clients. § Negotiated pricing with suppliers and printing sites. § Assisted graphic designer.July 1995 â€" January 1996 Burns Security Services Santa Fe Springs, CA Security Officer § Supervised ten employees. § Controlled inbound and outbound traffic. § Assisted in will call area. § Assisted in emergency situations.October 1994 â€" June 1995 48th District Agricultural Association Walnut, CA Receptionist § Answered and directed phone calls. § Assisted teachers and students with questions and concerns pertaining to the curriculum provided for the Fair entries. § Assisted in organizing the yearly Fair.EDUCATION § Currently attending DeVry Institute, Pomona § Diploma received 1995, Nogales High School, La Puente, CAQUALIFICATIONS § Windows 2000. § Microsoft Office: Access, Excel, FrontPage, Image Composer, Outlook, Photo Editor PowerPoint, Publisher, and Word § Lotus SmartSuite: Lotus 1-2-3 and Lotus Word Pro § Visio 2000 Professional § Adobe Acrobat 5.0 § Effective interaction with customers, clients and all levels of management. § Task oriented, self-starter, and pleasant manner.LANGUAGES § SpanishREFERENCES § Available upon request.Customize Resume

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Working at small companies will make you more successful

Working at small companies will make you more successful Working at small companies will make you more successful Financial blogger David worked as a staff scientist for a large defense contract corporation - over 70,000 employees - for four years before leaving it to join a small startup of eight employees. He had several reasons for making the shift, including salary and difficulty securing a promotion. David believes the latter was largely due to a lack of performance recognition - a common tale in larger corporations.“Even though I was consistently exceeding my expectations and performing more effectively than people with 10 more years of experience than me, I was ultimately not recognized for my accomplishments,” David writes in an email.As such, he decided to seek out employment elsewhere and landed upon a small startup firm in Washington D.C. that was only a year old. While he interviewed for a technical consultant position, he ended up being offered a job with way more responsibility as well as a 25% boost in salary over his current corporate job. Today he has the freedom to shape his career how he wants, because the startup he works for is anything but a rigid corporate system.A smaller pond makes it easier to learn to swimDavid’s experience is just one example of a trend that’s starting to emerge in business. According to a recent study by the National Bureau of Economic Research, smaller startups are offering prospective employees more and better career opportunities than their large, corporate forefathers.The study was led by John Haltiwanger, an economist at the University of Maryland. He came to the conclusion that newer startup firms tend to be the ones to poach employees from other companies, often using more money and a higher ranking position as bait. The study’s data showed small startups are more than twice as likely to attract job jumpers than their larger, corporate counterparts.While it may not be the only reason for the attraction, pay seems to play a major factor.  The pay bump from big to small company comes to a one percent salary i ncrease per quarter on average.That, however, is far from the only pivotal reason people in steady, corporate vessels are jumping to smaller ships. Many employees cite freedom to expand the size and scope of their career as priority number one. For David Attard, Co-founder of Dart Creations, the move was about nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit. “With people like myself, the startup’s pace and growth are our motivation,” Attard explains. “Our ability to be in the driver’s seat and take quick decisions will always take us back to the startup.”Many times the hours spent working at a startup are longer than they would be at more established companies, but, for the most part, everyone seems happy to put in the time. Feeling like they’re part of something important makes the effort worthwhile. That’s why Kat Quinzel, who left her job at Callcredit for a small company called Vintage Cash Cow, was converted to the startup life 10 months ago.“Life in a startup is insanel y different to life at a corporation,” Quinzel writes in an email. “It’s more stressful, the hours are longer and the job role is totally undefined, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. I actually feel like I’m part of something, I’m building something that I can and will be proud of. I don’t feel like I ‘have to go to work’ every day. I feel more like I’m part of a huge project with a bunch of people who are all striving to build something amazing.”Ready to close your eyes and take the leap into a startup? If you’re currently stuck in a larger, more traditional company, you’ll of course, want to wait until you know the startups you’re interested in working for are actually looking for new employees. However, another thing that will affect the success of your move is the state of the economy. According to a recent CNBC survey, Americans are feeling pretty confident about the overall health of economy right now, so this might be your moment. It may feel a little scary, but that’s how all the most exciting, life-changing adventures begin.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Top Ways to Destroy Trust With Your Employees

Top Ways to Destroy Trust With Your Employees Top Ways to Destroy Trust With Your Employees Trust is the foundation of all positive relationships you seek to create in your organization. Trust is one of the strongest bonds that can exist between people and customers; trust is also one of the most fragile aspects of relationships. You can spend years building trust between your employees, your managers, and your senior leaders only to have it slip away when, usually, actions by your senior team, violate the existing environment of trust in the eyes of your employees. For example, in a small manufacturing company, the senior team failed to keep employees informed about the financial troubles the company was experiencing. So, when the layoff of 21 employees was announced as well as the elimination of the quality department, employees were shocked. This shock translated into a serious lack of trust. The remaining employees waited for the next shoe to drop, mourned the loss of their coworkers, and many started to job search quietly. Several years passed before the senior team was able to re-engage their employees and they lost several important staff members during that time. Once you destroy trust, break the bond of trust, trust is the most difficult facet of your culture to rebuild. You can build a culture of trust in your organization if you steer clear of actions that destroy trust. Avoid these trustbusters to build a trust culture. What Is Trust? In an earlier article, the three components of trust as defined by Dr. Duane C. Tway, Jr. were reviewed. He says that trust is the “state of readiness for unguarded interaction with someone or something.” Thinking about trust as made up of the interaction and existence of these three components makes the concept of trust easier to understand. The amount of trust you experience is dependent upon the degree to which you can respond affirmatively to experiencing each of these three components of trust: The capacity for trusting means that your total life experiences have developed your current capacity and willingness to risk trusting others. You believe in trust. You have experienced trust and believe that trust is possible.The perception of competence is made up of your perception of your ability and the ability of others with whom you work to perform competently at whatever is needed in your current situation.The perception of intentions, as defined by Tway, is your perception that the actions, words, direction, mission, or decisions are motivated by mutually-serving rather than self-serving motives. Trust is dependent on the interaction of and your experience of these three components. Trust is tough to maintain and easy to destroy. 5 Ways to Destroy Trust For trust to exist in an organization, a certain amount of transparency must pervade the intentions, direction, actions, communication, feedback, and problem solving of particularly, senior leaders and managers, but also of all employees. Consequently, these are ways in which people destroy trust. 1. Employees tell lies of commission: They fail to tell the truth, often with the intention to deceive or confuse people. This has a powerful impact on a whole organization when the lie is perceived to come  from leaders, but even coworker relationships are destroyed by lies of commission. A lie is a lie is a lie. If its not the whole truth, if it requires preparation and wordsmithing, if you need to remember the details to ensure that you dont change your story in the retelling, you are probably telling a lie. Or, at the very least, part of your story is a lie. People who are untrustworthy derail their careers. Can you imagine the impact of lies in an organization when the liar is a senior manager? 2. Employees tell lies by omission: A lie of omission is a deliberate attempt to deceive another person by omitting portions of the truth. Lies of omission are particularly egregious as they give people false impressions and attempt to influence behavior by omitting important details. Once again, the more powerful the perpetrator of the lie in the organization, the more significantly trust is affected. But, an individual can derail their career by using this deception ploy, when caught. 3. Fail to walk the talk: No matter the work program, cultural expectation, management style, or change initiative, you will destroy trust if you fail to demonstrate the quality or behavioral expectation if you fail to walk the talk. Words are easy; it is the behavior that demonstrates your expectations in action that helps employees trust you. You can’t, for example, state that participative management and employee empowerment are the desired form of leadership in your organization unless you demonstrate these expectations in your everyday actions. Customer service is a joke if a complaining customer is labeled “wrong” or a jerk.” 4. Fail to do what you say you are going to do: Few employees expect that every statement, goal and/or projection that you make will come true. Sales will be up 10 percent. No layoffs are anticipated. We will hire ten new employees this quarter. They are all predictions, but when you set an actual expectation with an employee, you need to come through as promised. For example, working the reception desk alone is a temporary fix until we fill the open position with a second receptionist. Your solo assignment will be complete by the end of the first quarter. If you make a statement, commitment, or projection, employees expect what you said to happen. You destroy trust if the end result never occurs. You can avoid destroying trust by communicating honestly and frequently about: how you set the initial goal,what is interfering with the accomplishment of the initial goal,how and why your projection has changed,what employees can expect going forward, andhow you will avoid similar miscalls in the future. Honest communication is key to building employee and coworker trust. 5. Make random, haphazard, unexpected changes for no apparent reason: Keeping employees off balance may sound like an effective approach to creating agility in your organization. But, random change produces the opposite effect. People get used to their comfortable way of doing things. They get used to the mood the boss characteristically exhibits when she arrives at the office. They expect no consequences when deadlines are missed- because there have never been any in the past. Any change must be communicated with the rationale behind the change made clear. A starting date for implementation and participation from employees whose jobs are affected by the change will keep you from destroying trust. A sincere and thoughtful demonstration that the change is well-thought-out and not arbitrary will help employees trust you. An explanation for a change of mood or a different approach goes a long way to prevent the destruction of trust. More About How to Destroy Trust These are five of the top issues that destroy trust between employees and in organizations. If you can avoid these five trustbusters, you will have gone a long way toward ensuring that trust is building in your organization. Lies of commission, lies of omission, failure to walk the talk, failure to do what you say you will do, and subjecting employees to random, haphazard, unexpected change destroy trust. Walk on the better path. Build, don’t destroy trust in your organization.

Monday, November 11, 2019

A Deadly Mistake Uncovered on Resume for Part Time Job and How to Avoid It

A Deadly Mistake Uncovered on Resume for Part Time Job and How to Avoid It You might have fixed your LinkedIn profile to get ready for your upcoming job, and that's terrific. Update your resume so that it's current and appealing to prospective employers. During the time you're spending time updating your resume, you also need to take a couple of minutes to make certain that your LinkedIn profile is powerful and accurate. All emails will include a link in the footer to permit you to unsubscribe at any moment. How to Choose Resume for Part Time Job The NewRetirement Retirement Calculator is a wonderful approach to determine what you need and try out various scenarios. Working at home can be a great choice for retirees as it allows for plenty of flexibility in work schedule. Understand your retirement income needs Whether you desire a retirement job or desire a retirement job, you need to know how much retirement income you want. In any case, finding and securing the suitable part-time job in retirement may be an important portion of a retirees overall plan. Although the position might not be ideal, it's possible that it is possible to work with your manager on making changes after you have proved that you may add to the company. You'd observe the most important sort of a lengthy time employment. If you will be commuting to a selection of jobs, attempt to work for businesses in the very same geographic place. Therefore, when you sit down to compose your first resume, attempt to consider your prior jobs in a new light. There's no obligation to incorporate all of your work experience on it. Also ask your relative or some very good friend to read your resume as finding your very own grammatical errors and typos is not simple. Now you need to know how to compose a resume with no experience that's compelling and distinctive, ideal for a high school resume or a beginner's resume for teens. It's helpful to examine student and part-time resume examples to find some ideas about what a great one contains. At exactly the same time, the sk illed qualifications that you are able to acquire over time gives you a great head start in developing your career. Special awards and commendations must be noted. State the reasons why you could be interested in the part-time job. Candidates must exemplify the highest degree of professionalism and expertise in a wide array of office procedures. Without the correct folks to back up your skills, you could just lose out on the most suitable role for you. Just take the skills that you have, and show how they translate into success where you decide to apply them. Be sure the skills are related to the job that you desire. An interview could also be needed to land the job, but a resume is crucial to begin the approach. What You Don't Know About Resume for Part Time Job Where you choose to study is equally as critical as the direction you study. Be realistic about the moment you will need to spend studying and work. Moreover, you ought to take breaks when you're studying, especially if you feel worn out. For this reason, you ought to be in a position to manage your stress in a positive way. For instance, you may read a book on the best way to work if you're a commuter. However tempting it may be to stretch the truth, lying on your resume is always a poor idea. It's important to understand that you might not initially locate a position that provides you everything you're looking for. In case you have any part-time work, that will go a ways towards a good experience section.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Interpreter Resume for Dummies

Interpreter Resume for Dummies The Tried and True Method for Interpreter Resume in Step by Step Detail Most interpreters have no less than a high school diploma. Some interpreters work in just one department while others might work in numerous departments as needed. Evidently, a court interpreter must act quickly and understand how to take care of any linguistic or ethical issues which will undoubtedly arise. By way of example, court and health care interpreters will probably get on-the-job training. Ok, I Think I Understand Interpreter Resume, Now Tell Me About Interpreter Resume! Your interpreter cover letter is just one of the main parts of your job application. If you're asking for a specific position, it is better to compose a work application that contains a resume objective towards the top of the extremely first page. A single sheet is ideal. Be certain to list your relevant abilities and any certifications you might have, including your healthcare interpreter cove r letter Handler's card. When you understand that you require an interpreter for facilitating effective cross-cultural communication in a worldwide conference, meeting, exhibition or another event, you must begin with the subsequent. Because a person might become disabled at any moment, we're expected to ask all our employees to update their information every five decades. Seamless communication is now an imperative to produce a mark in the worldwide market. Effective communication is the largest factor that drives the demand for an interpreter in the industry world. In general, there's not anything wrong with using a work application objective. There are a couple things you ought to know on the best way to compose a resume. Conclusion If you would like to get a good resume for the interpreter job that you're gunning for, you have to start it using a compelling objective statement that gives value to the prospective employer. Leave no doubt which you are the ideal person f or the job. The aim is the initial statement in a resume that could decide whether the reader may want to take their time to read it to the previous line or simply dump it after just a glance. This boolean methods are useful in figuring the state of a thread. If you're applying for work, any answer you give will be kept private and won't be used against you in any manner. If you previously do the job for us, your answer won't be used against you in any manner. Application writing could be a very simple job if you realize how! View the target section for a destination to concentrate on your abilities and accomplishments rather than a wish list for the kind of position you'd like to have. If you might fit all suitable info on a single page, you have to do hence. A guide job isn't likely to become an archives position. Interpreter Resume - the Conspiracy Your application was created to sell 1 productyou. When you compose a work application choose a fairly simple file format. A fundament al job application template is easily the most serious version or selection of the resume template that could be used to make resumes for more or less any operate position. You may find an application template for an entry-level placement, and you'll locate a template intended for nearly any kind of job or maybe profession you want to know more about. The doctor writes orders for certain vaccinations. Medical assistants are in demand, but it doesn't indicate it will be simple to land work. There's one little-known approach to have the job. A summer months job via your granddad isn't really critical to list. If you're looking for a fresh work or intend to shift your present job then you wish to create your resume in as many places as is possible to boost your visibility in leading in the potential employers. Full-time careers will get increasingly popular as demand increases with the developing international population of the United States. In place of focusing your work target statement solely on emphasizing your major capabilities or strengths, you also will need to be sure to the job that you're applying for and what's more, you might have to say what you are able to do to help the company or company. Perhaps you're looking for a fresh job, or maybe merely seeking that campaign at work. The Unusual Secret of Interpreter Resume In case you still want to add items like a Career Objective, be certain you tell the hiring manager what you may do to them, NOT everything you aspire to escape from doing work in their opinion. Your particular job prospects will be contingent on your geog raphical area, and which languages you are able to interpret. A job or an internship is a superior method to practice spanish whilst gaining valuable work experience or only earning some extra cash. You're going to be singled out as a not so very good candidate to employ. Many interpreters specialize in 1 field, but the demand for skilled interpreters can happen anywhere. Attorneys should remain conscious of the should inquire into the right dialect when choosing a professional interpreter. Attorneys must also take action to make sure that the interpreter speaks the proper dialect of the specific language. Translators often work at home. Interpreters aren't translators. Medical interpreters should have an in-depth understanding of health terminology, and they need to be ready to be tested on medical terminology and language skills during the interview approach.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Life, Death, and Social Work Resume Samples

Life, Death, and Social Work Resume Samples What You Should Do About Social Work Resume Samples Beginning in the Next 6 Minutes Reading through resumes might be tedious and repetitive procedure. Resume is a kind of document utilized by individuals that are seeking for employment. The resume summary will act as their sales pitch. For instance, an employer may request a duplicate of your degree. When you get to the expert experience section, make sure that you think about the particular job description of the position you're applying for. A statement of work is an official document that states the full reach of work in a particular project. A project statement of work is quite crucial in the business of business statement projects particularly when it involves a vendor. With the above mentioned samples of objectives for the social worker position readily available to utilize in crafting yours, you will certainly have the ability to produce an extremely effective one for your resume. Macro-work cv objectives are to clearly show your experience and change on a sizable scale. Below you'll find a thorough collection of credentials available based on the field of your practice. You could also have specific social work methods or practices which you were not able to mention in different sections of your resume. Hiring managers don't devote plenty of time reviewing resumes. Just be certain that it's impressive, and related to the job you're applying to. Writing a resume for employment in the art industry can be difficult. The perfect format for your resume is shown in the example that you will just need to adjust for your own personal circumstance. A proficiency in another language could also be viewed as a benefit, too. Language skills are highly desired in social work, because sometimes you'll have clients whose first language isn't English. Perhaps it's your networking abilities. Skills unrelated to social work also needs to be included. Employers will always consider you for the work so long as you're able to prove you've got the crucial trainings and certifications. Job seekers deserve to discover decent content quickly. Resume objectives are from time to time regarded as the old schooltype of resume. Transportation jobs involve a great deal of responsibility and your resume will want to reflect you can manage that. It is far easier for a hiring manager to discover that value in a brief paragraph than attempting to piece it together from a lengthy history of qualified experience and education. If at all possible, you can even include skills specifically mentioned in the work description, so the hiring manager immediately knows you have them. Moreover, tailoring your resume will allow you to list job-specific essential words and techniques, further adding to your appeal for a candidate. Successfully managing and prioritizing the logistical facets of the job will be able to help you maximize the quantity of time you'll have on your schedule to supply meaningful services to your clientele. Social worker resume objectives can tell an employer a good deal about the individual applying for employment. You have to provide your prospective employer a very clear and direct job objective, that you're able to join the provider. Micro-work cv objectives are going to be to demonstrate your experience and capacity to generate change in individuals. Becoming in a position to negotiate, compromise and work nicely with others is crucial to the coordination of efforts required in social work. Moreover, the candidate was able to negotiate several contracts with important customers. Well-crafted resume objectives have the capacity to convince an employer a candidate is familiarized with a position, the business and the requirement for success in that area. Thoughts revolving around what you would like to achieve in your career will lead to the response to the most significant question. If you're attempting to acquire work in accounting or finance you require averystrong resume. Taking the opportunity to tailor your resume to coincide with the particular demands of a job is extremely wise. Understanding how to tailor your resume will obviously provide you an advantage.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Purchasing Uf Resume Help

Purchasing Uf Resume Help The Most Popular Uf Resume Help Lots of people are accustomed to writing cover letters and resumes in a particular format. While it's important to be as detailed as possible, many individuals make the error of writing a lengthy resume. Individuals will use functional summary resume examples to come up with an outline of the best method to present the releveant work experience. Resume help If you're planning to go for an interview then the first thing you want to understand is that your resume must be quite attractive in the feeling of words that are use in it and the other things that are given there. Uf Resume Help - the Story When you land a few customers, it's time to receive them results. Luckily, there are many resources that will provide the assistance and resources that you search for. Also, in case you go into federal company, it is irrelevant which state you're licensed in. Obtaining assistance from a professional might be a route you wou ld like to consider as you'll want to be certain that you've got a well written resume that could interest the scanning software and the reviewer too, but more than that there are particular rules for Resumix resumes based on what agency you would like to apply for. The Basic Facts of Uf Resume Help More Resume Help Resume help can be gotten from the works of a number of the very best fiction writers. Rather, you're asking for guidance and advice about ways to go about your search. Well, go through this informative article and you'll come to understand ways to get best resume assist. If you're looking for resume templates or other sorts of resume help, then you need to visit your nearest Goodwill store. Top Uf Resume Help Secrets If you know more about the particular job opening and the company that you may use the targeted resume. So rather than focusing on their preceding employment you'll be able to highlight their qualifications. While writing a military resume, the ca ndidate have to keep in mind to incorporate the most necessary sections like the educational qualification, key abilities, and prior job experience. Candidate can use the targeted resume if they would care to work with a particular business and know there are vacancies out there for the job that you are fit for, without mentioning the work opening directly. Salary requirements shouldn't be included in your resume as they may be a huge turn off to almost any firm. Job descriptions let you know what they're searching for, and it's your job to allow them to know you have it. Functional summary resume examples will show job seekers how to advertise their skills effectively to fit the skills required for the position that they're applying for. Facts, Fiction and Uf Resume Help If you are aware that you're sending out amazing stuff, then it alleviates a great deal of the worry. Also, asking somebody else to check over it's a remarkable method to find somebody else's opinion regarding how well they think you fit the job. The very first thing you ought to learn about resumes is they will always be changing. Focus your answer on beginning all over again and attempting to be good this moment. There are a lot of places to acquire leads. Perhaps you just started, perhaps you've been here for a short time. Learn about a few of the alternatives that you have for getting help on your resume here. What Is So Fascinating About Uf Resume Help? Resume writing is among the most troublesome tasks you ever run into. Abilities are many times extensive and can be applied to various conditions. Employers may make a decision in no more than 5 seconds if they would care to review a resume any further. Resume tips for felons are a big assistance. Resumes are made to highlight the ideal side of an individual. Help writing resumes is not easy to come by, should you not know what it is that you are looking for. As the amount of applicants for federal jobs keep growing, so do the variety of resume companies appearing to make the most of them. New jobs can help ex felons to develop into a portion of the society. Start on the lookout for senior officers in your organization who can provide you with a strong endorsement and receive their contact info to utilize in your own personal references.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Undeniable Reality About Wordpress Resume Theme That No One Is Telling You

The Undeniable Reality About Wordpress Resume Theme That No One Is Telling You A Startling Fact about Wordpress Resume Theme Uncovered With technology increasing, it's almost required to get some kind of an on-line presence if you wish to get found and considered for employment. If you are searching for work, that would be great when you have detailed online portfolio and your on-line presence. In the event you face any trouble, you could always reach out to us and we'll be happy to aid you with your queries. The theme is multi-lingual ready and also comprises a contact form to let prospective employers get in contact with you. Finding the Best Wordpress Resume Theme Among all of the procedure, the site is the very best and popular system for the on-line presence. A quick website stipulates a superb experience for your visitor. The theme comes with a Visual Composer to create a web site free of coding or programming abilities. It also offers free lifetime update and has an option to setup your website just like the demo site using the sample content provided. There's a numerous technique to create your on-line presence. There's a lot that goes into creating and keeping your site, as well as marketing it and promoting it. By having a personal site, you're simpler to find. The very first step towards making your personal website is buying the domain name. Photographer CV is clean and contemporary theme that can be used for Photographer's and other kinds of creative workers to make an on-line portfolio or resume website efficiently. Developing a personal website isn't as difficult as you may think. If you're searching for exposure by means of your online resume, the Online CV WordPress theme is a very helpful tool. If you're stuck on which resume theme to pick for your site, take a look at the Photographer CV demo, since it's well worth the price. If you look at your site now, you are going to observe that it's populated with some content. A blog page is included in addition to an effective page builder which enables you to customize the layouts to best suit your requirements. You may learn all about how to create a wonderful personal resume website. Your resume website has to have the information which you had on your paper resume or CV. Promotion will certainly catch the eye of possible employers because of the attractive, animated design. After you have selected the WordPress topic of your choice, hosting the site is the sole thing keeping you apart from your awesome online resume. A blog gives you the ability to share your industry expertise and social networking buttons are included to permit anyone to attach together with you on various social networking channels. You're sure to find the ideal solution for your ideal website within our assortment of creative concepts. The professionally designed themes arrive in a variety of designs, colours, shapes and sizes. A web-based portfolio is among the mandatory things who need to expose themselves in an extremely excellent way. The Downside Risk of Wordpress Resume Theme With our set of best resume WordPress themes, both free and premium, you are going to be in a position to showcase your private brand in professional method. With the assistance of perfect free resume and portfolio WordPress themes, it is quite quick. The premium edition of the theme also will come with additional page templates and more customization alternatives. You absolutely must take a look at the unRovr resume theme. The theme is multilingual ready, which is useful for freelancers who'd like to have clients from throughout the world. On top of that, it looks great on just about any device so be sure to check it out. It is fully responsive and customizable. Once you get the theme, you will receive lifetime free updates too. In addition to that, the theme is not difficult to translate to some other language and supports a responsive design. It features a minimal navigation menu pushed off to the left side which makes it possible to focus on the main content of your resume. If you wish to create a special theme with lots of customization choices, have a look at the upcoming WordPress theme.